Ted Deutch Our Congressman

The Child Tax Credit is providing vital resources to our working families. We can’t believe anyone would oppose this lifeline — and yet the GOP has done just that by voting no.

House Republicans don't see the value in providing necessary resources to those that need it most. Instead, they would rather support tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Ted is proud to have voted to deliver this needed benefit to struggling families.

Let’s make sure we keep our Democratic majority so we can keep supporting American families. Chip in now to help reelect Ted >>
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The Child Tax Credit passed by President Biden and congressional Democrats is now landing in bank accounts throughout the nation and bringing the necessary help and relief that families need.

The credits will make a historic reduction in child poverty, and yet, the GOP has attacked the credit as “anti-work” and “anti-family.” Strangely such criticisms were nowhere to be found when House Republicans passed their enormous Trump tax giveaway that disproportionately benefited the wealthiest Americans.

Ted has worked hard to make the Child Tax Credit a reality, despite Republican opposition. Chip in now to Ted’s reelection campaign to help him keep advocating for working families:

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Ted championed the Child Tax Credit because he knows how vital it is to help our families — especially throughout this pandemic. Meanwhile, House Republicans, who have supported huge tax breaks for the biggest corporations and wealthiest individuals, oppose this tax credit for real people despite its benefits to families across Florida and across the country.

Show your support for Ted by chipping in now to help him keep fighting for families.

Thank you,

Team Ted



Paid for and Authorized by Ted Deutch for Congress Campaign

Ted Deutch for Congress Campaign
7900 Glades Road, Suite 255
Boca Raton FL 33434 United States