"It’s those moments that make the long days, the hard sessions, and heaviness of the work that we do so much more worth it. We cannot change the abuse unfortunately, but when a child is able to see beyond their abuse and process it in a healthy, productive way then we know we have done well."
These are words from Alliance For Children Clinical Supervisor, Angelica Noel, in response to the healing journey she witnessed from a teenager who experienced sexual abuse at the hands of family members. When her counseling began at Alliance For Children, she would barely engage or speak during the sessions. But as their therapeutic relationship grew, she appeared more comfortable and finally opened up about the trauma she had endured. During the last counseling session, the teenager thanked Angelica for helping her realize that she was not ‘broken’ and that the abuse was not her fault, as she had once believed. She conveyed how relieved she felt having shared this secret she had held for so many years.
Families who come to an Alliance For Children center will find a safe, child-friendly environment with compassionate team members focused on the specific needs unique to each child and protective caregiver. We recognize the courage it takes for families to walk through our doors and we strive daily to give our best to every child and family who finds their way to us. 
To learn more about Alliance For Children’s clinical services and other programs available free of charge to Tarrant County child abuse victims and their families, visit allianceforchildren.org/what-we-do.