Friends – we're trying to raise the resources we need to win this runoff election on Nov. 16, and our team set an ambitious goal to raise $15,000 by midnight tonight.

Listen, making asks of you like this is the least favorite part of my job, but we have to win this election if we're going to keep Louisiana moving forward. I know you've been putting up with a lot of emails, but we're just $6,898 away from our goal.

The donations we get from grassroots supporters are hugely important. They help us turn out voters, run ads and get our message out. All of this is pivotal if we're going to win on Nov. 16. And right now, my opponent has the backing of national Republican interests who are funneling millions to defeat me here in Louisiana. 

We're closing in on this goal, so can I count on you to give now and get us over the finish line? Please, rush $5 or more now – whatever you can chip in – to hit this midnight deadline, win this reelection and keep Louisiana moving forward.

Thank you,

Governor John Bel Edwards