What's on this week with Atlanta DSA?

This Saturday: July General Meeting - International Edition!

Join us for Atlanta DSA's monthly General Meeting! We will hear the latest from our chapter's campaigns and committees, discuss current events in the chapter, and debate and vote on resolutions. All members are encouraged to attend!

This GM, we'll be hosting Austin G from DSA's NPC, to report on the International Committee's recent diplomatic visits to Peru and Venezuela. He will present on the International Committee's ongoing efforts to build relationships with socialist movements in the global south, along with the role we can play to fight US imperialism.

The meeting will be held at Park Ave Baptist Church, 486 Park Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30312, USA. A hybrid format is available to those who cannot attend in person.

The agenda will be available at https://atldsa.org/agenda by Monday night.


Talk Shop with Chapter Delegates

In TWO WEEKS, over a thousand elected DSA delegates will convene to set the direction of our organization for the next two years (and beyond)! Atlanta DSA's own delegates are hosting a forum to discuss Convention and answer members' questions.

Join us Tuesday, July 27th, at 6:00PM to be part of building a stronger DSA! Drop your questions ahead of time using the Q&A form linked here.

For more information about DSA Convention, including Resolutions, NPC (national leadership) candidates, the DSA Platform draft, and Convention rules, see this website.


Eat, Drink and be Marxist - July 31


At the end of this month we'll be having our next Eat, Drink, and be Marxist social at the Georgia Beer Garden! We'll be starting at 8 PM.


You Can Work to #StopCopCity!


Come flyer with Atlanta DSA's East Atlanta branch to #StopCopCity!


We'll meet at Gresham Park on Saturday, July 24, 10am-1pm.


Learn more at StopCopCity.org, and RSVP at atldsa.org/copcity724.


Below, check out the crew who made last weekend's canvass work!


Do you have questions for Chapter leaders?

Do you want to start a project, ask a question, or give feedback to leadership? Join the Steering and Records Committees for our monthly office hours, coming up on Thursday, August 12th at 7pm. Get heard and get help!


And see below for more information on joining the Records Committee to make the Chapter open and available to all working people!


Hi members,


The Records Committee is recruiting members to increase our size to better serve the chapter. We encourage all members to apply and we particularly encourage members that are persons of color and/or women.


By joining the the Records Committee you will help make chapter business and information available and accessible to members, an indispensable goal. Apply now at atldsa.org/admin-app. Please see the attached graphic for more information!


In solidarity,

Records Committee


Trying to find your place in the chapter? Whether you have 1 hour a week or 1 hour a day for DSA, take our member survey to get plugged in!


Check out our calendar for more

Our chapter calendar at atldsa.org/calendar has even more meetings and events!