Bill Posey - Victory Team


President Trump took to the CPAC stage last weekend and reminded us why we believe in the America First agenda.

The most important and powerful moment of his address touched on the very issues that led me to Congress, what I have spent my time there fighting for, and why Washington’s go-along-to-get-along crowd doesn’t care much for me or you.

“The radical left and the failed political establishment hates our movement for a simple reason because together we took on the corrupt special interests...”

The only thing the well-connected D.C. elites oppose more than the policies of the “other side,” is accountability and transparency. I’ve introduced an agenda to close loopholes for lobbyists, end the grip of special interest groups over the legislative process, and keep unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats from making laws and regulations that stifle business and increase fees (hidden taxes) on American families to stay in control of our lives.

The Washington insider crowd has taken over – working to reverse much of the good work we accomplished with President Trump to Make America Great Again.

President Trump’s message at CPAC is a message of hope. We should never settle for the D.C. swamp. We are and must fight back, hold Congress accountable, bring transparency to Washington, take the Speaker's gavel from Nancy Pelosi and put America first every time!

But it is going to take your help. If you are able, please consider joining our Victory Team by donating $5, $10, $15 or even consider becoming a monthly donor to help us get the job done.


Bill Posey