Hi Friends,

For those of you who live in Lexington, we have been asked by the Mayor’s Office to help vaccinate our city! There is a door-to-door campaign named “Lex Do This“ See the email below. I hope you are able to participate. This is a way to get involved and help our city get vaccinated!

“We'll be launching a volunteer canvass this Saturday, 10 a.m., from Winburn Middle School.

We'll be canvassing until almost 2 p.m. in that neighborhood right around the school, to encourage people to get vaccinated right then and there. Here's the sign-up link: https://lexdothis.nationbuilder.com/neighborhood_canvass_winburn

The first mobile clinic, last Sunday on Alexandria Dr, went great. We canvassed a lot of people Sunday morning who went down that same day because it was so convenient. I think this Saturday will be great too. Thanks for helping spread the word!  — Laurent Vesely, Ph.D”


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