Democrats can either stand with the filibuster or with voting rights

People First Future

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We wanted to make sure you saw Julián’s email earlier this week. Texans defeated Republicans’ racist, anti-democracy bill for now, but the fight is not over. The future of our democracy is in Congress’ hands now.

Add your name to join Julián and tell Senate Democrats to end the filibuster and pass pro-democracy legislation. We need the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act now.


In case you missed it, this weekend Texas Democrats defeated S.B. 7 — Republicans’ extreme voter suppression bill. But the fight isn’t over.

Gov. Abbott will soon try to convene a special session to ram this legislation through. That’s why we need Congress to act NOW.

Texans defended our democracy. Now we need Senate Democrats to do the same. Add your name to call on the Senate to end the filibuster and protect voting rights before it’s too late.


In the 12th hour, Republicans in Texas tried to jam through legislation to undermine Texas voters. Texas House Democrats walked out of the chamber in protest, and the session expired before the bill could pass.

THIS is the kind of fight we need from Democrats in the U.S. Senate as Republican legislatures across the country attack voting rights.

Greg Abbott has already pledged to take up his voter suppression bill in a special session. Now is the time to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act — even if it means ending the filibuster to do it.

Put simply, Democrats have a choice: stand with the Jim Crow filibuster or with the voting rights of Texans and all Americans.

Will you add your name to join us in calling on Senate Democrats to end the filibuster and pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act? That is our best chance to permanently block this racist, anti-democracy legislation from being enacted.

Thank you,

Julián Castro