From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject Urgent: My first 2022 opponent
Date May 27, 2021 2:15 PM
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Fellow Patriot

It’s official. I have my first challenger for the 2022 election cycle.

She is a lying Democrat (but I repeat myself) who I beat handily in my 2020 election.

But remember: I am the Number 1 target of the Deep State frauds and cronies because of my continued support for the America First movement, and for President Trump.

For months, anti-Trump Globalists have been saying that their explicit goal is to remove me from office:

These phony “conservative” saboteurs say they want to replace me with a Republican, but they’re so desperate to end the America First movement, they might just support my Democrat opponent, too -- and that’s why I’m asking for your support right away ([link removed]) .

It is officially campaign season again, and I’m in urgent need of your support to make sure we start strong ([link removed]) .

We must remember who we’re dealing with here.

We’re dealing with Deep State former CIA crony Evan McMullin, who tried to spoil the 2016 election for President Trump by running as an Independent.

We’re also dealing with Lincoln Project types -- alleged “Republicans” and pedophile enablers who gladly supported Joe Biden instead of President Trump in 2020.

Don’t think for a second they won’t do everything in their power to remove me from office.

Which is why I need you to do everything in your power to make sure they can’t remove me from office -- and contributing to my reelection campaign today is a good way to do that ([link removed]) .

President Trump called me a “warrior” in his 2020 endorsement of my campaign.

I am a warrior for the America First movement.

Even though President Trump is gone, I’m still here battling The Swamp, the Deep State, and the Special Interests who team up to work against the American people.

I’m looking forward to growing the America First movement in 2022, despite their vile hatred for our movement, and for working class Americans.

But I need to know you have my back -- and you can show me by contributing to my reelection campaign right away ([link removed]) .

The only way our movement will succeed is if we band together now, and prepare ourselves for the epic battle that lies ahead.

Show me that you’re ready for the fight by chipping into my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .

Thank you in advance for your commitment to putting America First.

In Liberty,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. I officially have my first challenger, and the worst people in D.C. want me out of office. They’re the same ones who wanted President Trump gone.

Help me build my war chest to fight the D.C. Swamp today ([link removed]) !


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