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Chuck Gray for Congress


We’re getting under their skin.

Last week I told you about how CNN interviewed me to try and derail our campaign to fire Liz Cheney.  

It didn’t go well for them, or for Liz.

So after that, the BBC took a shot at it and even teamed up on me by having two “interviewers”, on either side of me, grill me about their false anti-Trump narrative that gets weaker and weaker the more we fight back and expose their fallacy.

The most humorous part was at the end when I left both BBC reporters sitting in apparent stunned silence when one of them manages to utter up just one word… ”interesting.”  It was priceless. :)

You can find the interview here:

You see, ever since Politico and national pollster Dick Morris reported that I am the conservative candidate who will defeat Liz Cheney in this race, the leftist media has been trying to stop me, and us.

They don’t want me to beat Liz Cheney in Wyoming because they hate Trump as much as she does, so they think they can trip me up and ridicule our America First values.

Not on my watch.  

The truth is I’m the most likely to beat Cheney in 2022 because I’m the only conservative in this race who has a proven record to show that I’ll fight tooth and nail and win against the out-of-control socialists in Cheyenne and Washington, D.C.

But I’m a realist and I know that I’m not going to win by just making the liberal media look bad.  

To overcome Liz Cheney’s massive multi-million dollar war chest, I must ask for and receive your much-needed help right away. 

Will you please chip in today?

I’m asking for your financial help today not for me but for the values and much-needed leadership we need to take back our government from the sell-out insiders like Liz Cheney and Joe Biden.

Will you please chip in even $25 or more today to help me fight for you in D.C. and for the people here in Wyoming? 

In Congress, my leadership and vote will not only help my neighbors, but every one of our neighbors across the country.

But I need friends like you to make sure we can get our message of effective conservative leadership to the voters while exposing Liz Cheney for who she really is. 

Will you please help today?

In Liberty,


P.S.  First CNN and now the BBC are trying to stop our campaign ever since Politico and Dick Morris reported that I am the conservative in this race who will beat Liz Cheney in Wyoming.  Please help our grassroots campaign win by giving your best  today.  Thank you and God bless you.
Paid for by Citizens for Chuck Gray
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