From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject Did Democrats steal the November Election?
Date May 19, 2021 2:00 PM
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Fellow Patriot

I’m standing with the Arizona Senate as they audit the results of the 2020 election, despite the screeching leftists who are terrified of what they might learn.

The auditors have my full support.

Here in Arizona, and across the country, there’s an overwhelming sense that something about the 2020 election just wasn’t right…

But just asking these questions is grounds for the RINOs and the radical far-left to try to throw me out of Congress, which is why I need to know you have my back today -- and you can show me that by chipping into my reelection campaign ([link removed]) .

We all remember what happened.

In Arizona, tens of thousands of people turned out multiple times to see President Trump.

Organic "Trump Trains" and boat flotillas spanned for miles.

Enthusiasm for President Trump -- who delivered on his America First agenda -- was off the charts!

Globalist henchman Joe Biden, meanwhile, literally could not get half a dozen people to show up to his Phoenix rally.

But using the trumped up COVID pandemic to their advantage, the communist Democrats mailed out hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots -- not just to registered voters, to everyone.

Ballot boxes were left everywhere, unmonitored.

President Trump was leading in swing states across the country, including here in Arizona, until suddenly he wasn’t…

We voted in a way that’s never happened before in American history.

But if you even suggest that the election wasn’t as secure as it should have been, or that there were mistakes made, the DNC media and Globalist RINOs will viciously attack you as a “conspiracy theorist.”

They’ve attacked me. They’ve threatened my job. I’m their number one target.

But I don’t care about their attacks or threats -- I care about the truth -- and if you do too, I need you to contribute to my reelection campaign today so that we can get to the bottom of this ([link removed]) .

I’m one of the few still standing tall in the face of the brutal onslaught from the left-wing media complex, which no longer cares about the truth, and I need your support today ([link removed]) .

The leftists are going CRAZY, attacking the Senate and the audit.

I maintain: what do they have to hide? Let's simply double check.

If Biden won fair and square, so be it. If he didn't, let's find that out too.

The truth matters more than hurt feelings or expectations.

I will continue to speak out for election integrity. Let's get the audit done and get to the truth.

Help me fight back against the liberal media who want to silence us ([link removed]) .

And choose a contribution ([link removed]) amount to chip into my reelection campaign, so you know there will always be a fighter in your corner who is unwilling to back down from the mob, regardless of the consequences.

Thank you in advance for standing on the side of common sense, and the side of truth.

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District


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