From Congressman Paul Gosar <[email protected]>
Subject They're trying to shut me down
Date May 18, 2021 7:38 PM
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Fellow Patriot

I recently went to a hearing in Congress -- something I do all the time. As a congressman, I get to ask questions in order to learn about issues, policy and events so that we can better understand what is going on. And so we can pass laws that make sense and fix problems.

I also ask questions on your behalf, because your input is important to me.

Last week I went to a hearing called "Understanding the January 6th Insurrection."

It is ignorant to call the riot on January 6th an "insurrection” -- it would be the first unarmed “insurrection” in modern history.

But the leftist Democrats insist on abusing our language, exaggerating and lying to the public, and engaging in pure propaganda.

So when it was my turn, I asked the D.C. Chief of Police a simple question: "Who executed Ashli Babbitt?"

I asked because the American people want to know. And they deserve to know.

Wow! You would not believe how asking a basic question triggered these people. It sent them into a frenzy, and now they are shouting and screaming at me from all angles.

The Arizona Republic, a failing legacy newspaper that endorsed Hillary Clinton and supports cultural Marxism and open borders, quickly wrote an article about how awful I am for asking any questions:

And now far-left Democrat David Ciciilini filed a motion to censure me. He is begging all the leftists in Congress to support his motion so they can shut me up.

The word "censor" and "censure" are similar and serve the same purpose. When the radical Marxist Democrats don't like certain words, they want to censor your speech and punish you for speaking up about things they don’t like.

I won't stop asking questions.

I won’t stop seeking the truth on your behalf.

They can't censor the truth. I will get to the bottom of this.

But I need your help.

Anything you can send today to help me stay in office will be greatly appreciated ([link removed]) .

The Democrats want to remove me, censor me and censure me.

Please stand with me by chipping in $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .

Thank you in advance for standing with me on the side of truth and transparency.

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. The Communist Democrats want to silence me for asking simple questions, which is my job.

Show them you stand for the truth by contributing to my reelection campaign today ([link removed]) .


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