Hello DSA members and supporters:
We have an update and TWO asks. The Racial Justice Working Group spent the fall/winter researching alternative policing models, meeting with county employees, mental health professionals, and other community organizers to address racism embedded in current policing practices and responses. And then proposed a CAHOOTS-style crisis response model  included in the Duluth Community Safety Initiative (DCSI) proposal being discussed right now with the City and the Duluth Police Dept. We are confident the conversation has begun in Duluth to consider and implement an alternative (to the police) crisis response model.
After the scheduled meetings with the City and the DPD we will follow up with more details and concrete action plans.
Now, the ASKS. 
1. Please attend and support the DCSI press conference on MONDAY MAY 17 at 3pm at the Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial. Strong, visible support can and will translate into strong messaging to the City and the DPD. Masks and social distancing required. Feel free to bring signs.
2. Sign up to attend an online presentation with Vinnie Cervantes, an organizer from DASHR (Denver Alliance for Street Health Response) which is instrumental in forming STAR (Support Team Assisted Response)--the first CAHOOTS modeled community crisis response team in a major US city.  On THURSDAY MAY 20 at 6:30 pm Vinnie will give a 45 minute presentation on how STAR was organized by a coalition of community members and organizations. We will have Q&A for 15 minutes. It is very important to curate our questions so we maximize Vinnie's experience and knowledge. We will be inviting multiple organizers, community activists, and other interested parties. Therefore: please develop your questions in advance and send to [email protected]. Let us know if you are able to attend so we can send you the meeting link. We also invite folks who attend to stay on the call after the Q&A to network, chat and debrief.
Lastly, use the LEANDuluth website (https://www.leanduluth.org) to stay up-to-date about our groups working on racial justice.

In solidarity,
Angel Dobrow
Twin Ports DSA Racial Justice Working Group
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