Join us Tuesday, June 8, 2021
for a night of learning, discussion and action as we honor DC's own Taraji P. Henson.

As children and families navigate the pandemic, its impact on their mental and behavioral health is compounded by poverty, trauma and systemic racism:

  • Since the start of the pandemic, mental health-related ER VISITS INCREASED 31% for children 12-17 years old.1

  • Even before the pandemic, 1 in 3 DC middle school students had SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED SUICIDE.2
Children’s Law Center advocates for thousands of children each year and extends our reach by teaming up with partner organizations to amplify our impact.
In 2021, we are debuting a partnership with the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation and the Duke Ellington School of the Arts to expand mindfulness and mental health services to students across DC.
THE EVENT will begin at 6:30pm EDT, with a pre-event networking component for sponsors starting at 6:00pm EDT. Stay tuned for more details.

SUPPORT OUR WORK with a sponsorship-level gift to gain access to exclusive perks during this and other events in our 25th anniversary series, including our Helping Children Soar Benefit this fall.
For more information on sponsorships and how to get involved, contact Erica McCollum at [email protected] or 202-467-4900 x524.

Sources: 1. CDC MMWR Nov. 13, 2020; 2. OSEE 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey