Bill Posey - Victory Team

Dear fellow patriot,

Since Speaker Nancy Pelosi constructed a 12-foot tall fence around the Capitol things behind the fence have gotten even crazier.

I’m fighting to remove the fence, let the sunlight in and defeat the far-left agenda being pushed by Pelosi, Biden and Senator Schumer.

The American people need to understand the radical nature of the policies being pushed. They are a stark departure from President Trump’s policies that were about putting America first, creating jobs, lowering taxes, strengthening our national security and making America less dependent on China.

As conservatives we are optimists, and we reject the “cancel culture” being imposed on conservatives by Democrats, Big Tech and the main stream media. I am working to get the truth out to the American people about how our freedoms are under attack. You and I know what is at stake, but too many of our fellow Americans do not.

Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have removed the veil that they hid behind leading up to the November 2020 election, and are talking openly about “transforming America.”

They are pushing changes that undermine the freedoms upon which this nation is built and are abolishing individual liberty, personal responsibility, economic freedom, the First and Second Amendments, and basic property rights.

They want to decide every aspect of your life: where you live, your health care plan, the kind of car you drive, the food you eat, how much of your paycheck you get to keep, and what you can and cannot say.

I believe America is worth fighting for and I believe you do too!

We face the trifecta of the mainstream media (MSM), Big Tech and the Washington swamp as we seek to inform our friends and neighbors about what is at stake.

Here’s the tip of the iceberg on the issues that I’m on the front lines fighting against:

  • Pelosi’s election reforms that ban state voter ID laws and mandate nationwide mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting

  • A $2 Trillion “COVID” bill that spends less than 9% combatting COVID

  • A $2 Trillion “infrastructure” bill that spends over a trillion on things that are pay-backs to liberal interests and have nothing to do with roads, bridges and ports

  • A $300 billion to bail out New York, Illinois and California

  • Sending $127 billion to schools without requiring them to open, and

  • Sending hundreds of millions in tax dollars to abortion providers

As the American people catch on to the House Democrat's radical agenda they will abandon Pelosi and her allies in the Congress. Pelosi’s majority is very narrow (218-212). I need your help as we seek to stop the radical effort to transform America!

Please consider a contribution of $10, $25 or $50 to help me get our message out so that we can stop the radical transformation of America.

To get involved click here.

I can’t do this alone, but together we can! Partner with me to restore common sense as we fight to Make America Great Again.

God Bless you and God Bless America,


P.S. Click here to contribute $10, $25 or $50 to help us stop the Pelosi-Biden agenda.