North Carolina is officially in play for 2022, and our race will be one of the most competitive in the country.

Richard Burr is packing it up and retiring from the U. S. Senate. Good. Can't say we'll miss him.

Now, you don't have to be from the Tar Heel state to know how bad Richard Burr is. He spent *decades* in the Senate lining his own pockets, getting richer and richer, at the expense of everyday folks. And as you may remember: Last year, Richard Burr was investigated for selling more than a million dollars worth of stocks at the outset of the pandemic.

North Carolina is officially in play for 2022, and our race for Senate will be one of the most competitive races in the country.

So, we're asking: Will you make a contribution of $10 or more right now to send a people's champion like Erica to the U.S. Senate?

Look, the last thing North Carolina — and our country — needs is six more years of another pro-wall street, pro-lobbyist politician that looks out for themselves instead of working folks.

Our campaign is a moral movement for change, and together we can elect a progressive candidate who will work for ALL OF US, not the wealthy few.

But here's the deal: This race will be expensive. The primary candidate field is getting crowded, and we need the resources to go up against the political establishment.

Please chip in $10, or whatever you can afford, to elect a Senator who will fight for working people in the halls of Congress.

Our campaign isn't taking a penny from corporations or their PACs. We're rejecting all contributions from fossil fuel companies, lobbyists, or Wall Street executives — so every donation adds up in a big way.


Erica Smith HQ