Steve will join the likes of John Muir, Aldo Leopold, Sigurd Olson, Gaylord Nelson, Emily Earley, and Bud Jordahl who have all helped shape our relationship with the land. They have all worked to protect the environment and our quality of life in Wisconsin.

“His contributions, like the guidance he provided as a teacher, have shaped the lands and waters of our state in critical ways, even as they have rippled out far beyond Wisconsin.” – Curt Meine

Steve will be honored on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 9am Register for Steve Born's Induction Event

We also wish to recognize Stan Temple, a 1000 Friends founding member, as a 2021 Conservation Hall of Fame inductee.

“Dr. Temple’s scholarship and voluminous scientific contributions have helped reshape the entire field of wildlife ecology and management. In fact, it is difficult to identify one single contribution as being the most significant given the breadth and depth of his work.” – Buddy Huffaker

Stan will be honored on Saturday, April 24th at 1pm. Register for Stan Temple’s Induction Event