Let's show the establishment what they're up against.

Hold up! There's something important about our campaign you need to know.

At Erica Smith for U.S. Senate, we believe that Democratic primaries should be determined by voters — not the D.C. establishment that prioritizes recruiting moderate white men to run for office.

If you agree, will you make a donation of $10 or more to help elect Erica Smith to the U.S. Senate in 2022? In order to build an insurgent campaign, we're completely counting on grassroots donors like you to raise enough resources and challenge the North Carolina establishment.

Look, it takes *a lot* of money to run for Senate in North Carolina and WIN.

Just look at the data: In the 2020 election cycle, North Carolina's Senate race was among the top 10 most expensive Senate races in the country. The 2020 Democratic nominee — a moderate white man hand-picked by the DSCC — outspent the GOP by more than 2:1 and was still defeated.

See for yourself:

Clearly, the Democratic establishment's 2020 strategy was a complete failure. That's why your early support for Erica Smith for U.S. Senate in North Carolina is so important right now.

2022 is our once-in-a-generation chance to win another Democratic Senate seat, elect the first Black woman Senator in North Carolina, and demonstrate the power of our moral movement.

With a bold platform for progress, Erica is the only candidate in this primary fighting for Medicare for All, reparations, and a Green New Deal.

Let's show the establishment what they're up against. If you're all-in for a progressive Senator who works for all North Carolinians, will you please chip in $10 or more today? This race will be expensive and we need your help.

Thanks for all you do,

Erica Smith HQ