From Lloyd Smucker <[email protected]>
Subject 2 Minute Update
Date April 9, 2021 2:59 PM
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March 2021 Update


The new year has certainly been filled with challenges in Congress as we continue to push back against the Democrat majority and the Biden Administration. I remain optimistic that in 2022, Republicans will win back the majority. We are only 5 seats away from getting rid of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

March marked one year since Gov. Wolf's massive shutdowns and closures across the Commonwealth. Americans and Pennsylvanians are resilient, but we need to put a check on the Governor's power, and that starts with the people voting YES on May 18th. If you missed my recent email, here's more information about the upcoming May 18th Primary Election and the constitutional amendments.

It is crucial for people like you to stay engaged and stay involved. We need your voice in our elections to win.

I am excited to report that with your help, my campaign raised over $190,000 in the first quarter of this year. While the local newspaper continues to provide a megaphone for progressives, I continue to be humbled by the support I receive from individuals in our community and at the ballot box. Showing your support with just $5 ([link removed]) sends a message to the local media that our values and our Republican Party are strong and ready to win.

Thank you for your continued support,

Take our new survey to let us know what issues are important to you. ([link removed])
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ICYMI: Lloyd in the Media
Face the State Interview with Ryan Eldridge ([link removed])

Smucker introduces Election Security Reform Bill ([link removed])

“This bill is not just about COVID relief. It’s about enacting the largest progressive policy wish list of all time,” Congressman Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) ([link removed])

Smucker introduces Improving Adoption Outcomes and Affordability Act ([link removed])

Press Conference: May 18th Constitutional Amendments ([link removed])

Smucker presses DOH on the mishandling of COVID-19 in nursing homes ([link removed])

Interview with Matt Maisel at Fox43 ([link removed])

LTE: Local Republicans support Smucker ([link removed])
An Update from Washington
* I introduced the Voter Confidence Act, which establishes a bipartisan and bicameral commission to bolster voter confidence in future federal elections. We must review the practices and policies of federal, state, and local election officials to evaluate the impact they had on the election's security and integrity. More than half of the voters in Pennsylvania have lost faith in our electoral system, but the Democrats and the media want to twist these concerns instead of addressing the issues.
* I voted NO on the $1,900,000,000,000 package that funded liberal special interests instead of targeted funding for those impacted by the pandemic to get people back to work, students back in classrooms, and finally, beat COVID-19. The Democrats took this as an opportunity to fund their pet projects and bailouts instead of COVID relief.
* I voted NO on H.R. 1, which should be called ‘For the Politicians Act.’ Over 52% of Pennsylvanians have concerns about our electoral system. Instead of taking the opportunity to reform the integrity of our system, the Democrats' reaction is to create policies that would throw out voter ID laws, introduce taxpayer funding of campaigns, and centralize elections in Washington DC.
* Despite Democrats' push for massive gun control, I have consistently voted to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens. PA-11 is home to one of the largest populations of gun owners in the state, and I'll continue to stand up for the Second Amendment.
* I recently reintroduced the Improving Adoption Outcomes and Affordability Act to support expecting mothers who made the selfless decision of adoption.

Continue to be vocal on Social Media
You can share the following graphics, links, and petitions on social media to stay vocal about our values and to support these crucial issues.
The Biden Administration has created a humanitarian crisis and a public health crisis at the southern border through massive security rollbacks with no plan to address growing concerns.

Sign/Share the Petition to Secure our Borders ([link removed])
We can no longer stay silent, and that starts with making donations to support Republican candidates and elected officials to defend our values. As Republicans, we need to raise the funds necessary to win elections.
Please share this LINK to stay vocal about our values. ([link removed])

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Email All Questions to: ** [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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