If elected, I'd be the first Black woman U.S. Senator to represent the Tar Heel state.

I'm Erica Smith. I'm an engineer, educator, minister, and three-term state senator.

Now I'm running for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina in 2022. If elected, I'd be the first Black woman U.S. Senator to represent the Tar Heel state.

In just a moment, I'm going to humbly ask you to make a donation to our campaign and become an official Founding Donor of our moral movement. But first, I wanted to tell you a little more about myself.

I don't come from wealth. I come from hard work.

My father was in the Air Force. I was born at Fort Bragg Army base right here in North Carolina. My mom raised me and my five siblings, and we grew up picking cucumbers and corn on the family farm.

Life wasn't always easy. Farming was difficult, and so was growing up Black in the South. But our elders taught us the dignity of work, the value of faith, and the importance of serving our communities.

I know what it means to struggle. And in fact, the struggles my family faced are the same ones that North Carolina families face today. We're fighting eviction, poverty, and crippling medical bills. We're fighting floods and storms that claim our livelihoods.

Meanwhile, who is really on the other side of that fight? I'll tell you: Morally-bankrupt politicians who grant billionaires tax cuts, yet fail to ensure workers a living wage.

And I'm not just talking about Republicans like Senator Richard Burr. We've seen what happens when North Carolina Democrats pick candidates who don't represent the experiences and diversity of our state.

We need something different because our survival depends on it. That's why I'm running for the United States Senate. North Carolina deserves a senator who works for all of us, instead of just the wealthy and the well-connected.

Together, we will build a grassroots campaign for a different North Carolina — one that loves us back the same way we love it. And we're doing it all without taking a dime from corporate PACs or fossil fuel companies (those guys already have enough servants in Congress).

An important part of building our grassroots campaign is folks like you chipping into emails like this one. I have to ask:

Will you please make a contribution to our campaign right now and become an official Founding Donor of Erica Smith for U.S. Senate? Every bit of support that comes our way is critical during this early period of our campaign.

Thanks for all you do. Together, we are building a North Carolina where our God-given potential will be enhanced by a system meant to lift us up, and not squandered by one meant to hold us down.

Erica Smith