Throughout the last decade, I have listened deeply to members of the LGBTQ community and that — as well as data — has shaped my policies.


First, thank you for helping us to end March strong! To date, we have received more than 400 contributions. That's incredible for our grassroots campaign, and I am so, so grateful. Now let's see if we can reach our goal of 500 this month! 

Last week, I joined the other Democratic candidates for the first ever Allentown LGBTQ Mayoral Forum, hosted by Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, WLVR 91.3, and PBS39. If you missed it, you can still watch it in its entirety here.

Afterwards, I received an outpouring of support from LGBTQ community members here in Allentown. Here are a few of the many statements that were shared:

  • Ce-Ce was on point. She spoke to the issues. She wasn’t there to pander, perform, or offer charity. Like she said, she believes people closest to the pain need to be closest to the power. She has LGBTQ folks informing her policy. She said the word “trans” over and over and over again. How many folks running for office make the trans community feel so seen and heard? Not many.
  • So proud of the work you did on tonight’s LGBTQ  forum. You came with all data and policy. That is exactly how I know you are my ally.
  • I have to say that Councilwoman Ce-Ce Gerlach was brilliant in the Mayoral candidate forum on PBS this evening. Prepared, on point, plans for the future. We were very impressed.

If you don't have time to watch the entire forum, here is a short clip:


And if you’re in a position to do so, please make a contribution to the campaign today. We only have one month left to get our message out there. That means we need you in this movement, John. Thank you!

With gratitude, 
Ce-Ce Gerlach

P.S. If you haven't requested a free yard sign yet, you can do so here and a volunteer will deliver it to your yard.




Ce-Ce Gerlach worked on the Allentown School Board for over 8 years and is currently serving on the City Council. She’s dedicated to fighting for the community through her public service, activism, and volunteerism. And now, she’s running for Mayor of Allentown because she's tired of the inaction and outdated leadership that's harming the city. It’s time for progressive change. Help Ce-Ce move Allentown forward by making a donation today!