Dear friends,

We are now at day 73 of the legislative session. The last time I sent a newsletter, we were at day 42- time really goes by quickly down here in the legislature! To keep you updated, I have worked diligently to maintain my social media pages both current and active, and provide monthly email newsletters. On April 10th, I will convene my first virtual constituent meeting this session. This event will be a great way to ask questions, voice your concerns/support, and learn more about legislative happenings. Join me on Zoom or watch on Facebook Live:

Time: Apr 10, 2021 01:00 PM Alaska

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 863 1326 2702
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Legislation Updates

On Thursday, March 25th, SB2 was heard in State Affairs. The public hearing was held and closed, and I appreciate those who were able to testify. SB3 was also scheduled to be heard but the agenda was full and the Chair ran out of time. I'm looking forward to SB2 moving to the Judicial Committee and SB3 being heard in State Affairs; hopefully, within the next two weeks. Now is a great time to express your support: Consider submitting a letter or, if you have a flexible schedule, providing testimony during committee hearings. If you're interested in providing a letter of support for any of the bills or testifying, please email my staff: [email protected] and [email protected]. Check the akleg website for updates on committee hearing dates and times. To be listed as a testifier, call your local LIO on the date of the hearing. If you have any questions about the bills or the various ways in which you can support these bills, please contact my office using the information at the end of this email.

Additionally, you can watch live and recorded committee hearings by tuning in to 360 North on cable (channel 18) or visiting the Alaska legislative website. For recordings of previous committee hearings, visit Gavel Alaska.
Emergency Declaration

On March 26th, the House passed House Bill 76 (HB76), extending the public health disaster emergency declaration until September 30, 2021. This legislation seeks to continue the necessary public funding for testing, vaccinations, and grants to re-open our economy safely while limiting the powers of the Governor. 
The previous declaration bill expired on February 15th of this year. It is important to note that HB76 allows Alaska to receive millions of dollars in federal funding and includes provisions to allow Alaska to operate airport testing sites, healthcare providers the ability to offer off-site testing and vaccination, waivers for telehealth, and secure an additional $8 million (a month) in SNAP benefits. HB76 does not mandate masks, impose further hunker-down orders, or restrict businesses.

HB76 is now headed to the Senate!

2021 Session Survey

I want to hear from you! This month, I will be conducting my first survey which is a great way to know what issues are important to you and the broader community. Please consider taking the survey and sharing your thoughts with me.
Vaccine Update
Did you know that the COVID-19 vaccine is now available for anyone living or working in Alaska who is age 16 or older. New appointments are added each Thursday! In addition to calling the hotline, you may also email [email protected].
Is the content of this email relevant to you?
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my office at any time:

L. Keith Bauguess
Chief of Staff

Besse Odom
Legislative Policy Aide

I’m Senator Elvi, always.....
"Listening and Representing Your Interests!”