Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
We have a number of upcoming events this week:
Monday, today at 7 PM, we have our Labor Engagement Group meeting. Register here to attend ([link removed]) . Plans are moving forward on promoting the Pro-Act and creating a nice Mayday event in Superior. We are aiming for good participation. If you would like to help out, we meet weekly for the rest of the month, but there may be other ways to help if you can't make the meetings. Email David Clanaugh at
[email protected] for information.
We also have an Ecosocialist meeting on Monday at 7 pm with the Brainerd Lakes Area group, but you will have to email Tom Julstrom at
[email protected] to get that link.
Wednesday, 10 AM, our Ecosocialist Working Group is co-sponsoring a March to End Line 3 with Honor The Earth. The meeting place is the Lakewalk next to Endion Station. People are asked to wear masks, practice social distancing, use sidewalks and follow traffic signals. The march will end at Wells Fargo. Bring your signs! Here is a link to the Facebook event ([link removed]) .
Friday at 5:30 PM we have our Racial Justice Working Group meeting. Email Lydia Goustin at
[email protected] for a join link.
Friday at 7:30 PM is the statewide MN DSA Line 3 Working Group meeting, which we have been hosting. Use this link to register in advance. ([link removed] )
In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary
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