There are 100 U.S. Senators.
There's not a single one like me. There's not a single one like US. 
It's time for us to change that. Donate $20 today and we can change our government and our democracy for the better.
Rural communities deserve a voice. 
Black women deserve a voice. 
Working people deserve a voice.
Those who have been counted out and left behind deserve a voice. That's who this campaign, who this movement, is about. 
We will bring radical love and determination to an establishment plagued by cruelty and inaction. 
I will be one out of a hundred, but I will speak with the voice of millions. 
I know that together we can accomplish incredible things in DC. But I can't get there without you. I will spend every day I'm in office stepping up for us but right now I need you to step up for me and our campaign with a donation of any size.
We are the movement that North Carolina and this country have been waiting for. We are the change. 
Have a great weekend. 
One of us for all of us,



Paid for by Erica For US - Senate 2022 Campaign Committee

Erica For US
PO Box 1236
Gaston NC 27832 United States