Remember those crazy clowns?
Well, they’ve taken complete control of Washington and just as we predicted, it’s downright scary. Somehow crazier than we imagined.
Instead of “healing” and “uniting” the country, Joe Biden let the woke and socialist clowns take complete control. Here’s just a sampling of the damage they’ve done since January:
  • Voted to wipe out state voter ID laws.
  • Sent billions to foreign countries to fund abortions.
  • Released illegal aliens with COVID-19 into the country, including North Carolina.
  • Voted to defund the police.
  • Struck down Second Amendment freedoms to carry a gun.
  • Passed a $1.9 trillion pork spending bill that sent more than $4 billion to New York City and paid over 90% of San Francisco’s municipal debt but spent only 10% on COVID-19 public health needs like vaccination.
As I type this, Speaker Pelosi is threatening to nullify the certified election of one of my Republican colleagues from Iowa and forcing a vote on amnesty for illegals just as we are nearing a 20-year record flood of migrants entering illegally. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is crafting a massive middle-class tax hike to pay for even more spending we can’t afford, and they’ve halted construction of the border wall.

I could go on, but I need to get back to work trying to stop this madness. 

I do have one favor to ask before I go: will you take two seconds to weigh in and tell me what scares you the most about the new clown show in our nation’s capital? It’s a very short, one-question survey. 

Thanks so much. I’ll be back in touch soon.


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