Here's what happened.



I love our WV Can't Wait All Calls. They're a chance to connect with so many of the people who built this movement from the ground up.


If you couldn't join last Tuesday, here's what you missed:

  • We shared some of the big questions we're holding in our hearts and minds right now: How can we reach our neighbors with the ever-growing influence of partisan national media and information silos? Will these corporate parties ever change? What can I do that actually makes a difference?
  • We dug deep on our approach: that the way we'll answer the most important strategic questions of our time is through practice, through experiments. We'll answer our huge questions in the details of our work.
  • We shared a list of experiments that are already in the works: running 3 candidates for Morgantown City Council, introducing first-time bills at the legislature from our People's Platform, betting big on homegrown media projects, onboarding candidates for the 2022 cycle, building out a safety fund for our leaders facing harassment... and much more.
  • Come June, we'll turn the lessons we learn from this spring of activity into a ramped up strategy for 2022. 

We've got lots of roles to fill this spring. Looking for the one that's right for you? Email me and we'll find a time to talk. 


Ever-proud to be a part of this movement, 



WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit