I'm fired up. Here's why.

In 2020, Democrats ran on a promise — that, if entrusted with running the federal government, we'd actually get to work helping people survive this awful COVID-19 pandemic.

Because, if you're anything like me, I was completely, utterly done with Donald Trump's not giving a damn or Mitch McConnell's partisan stalling.

And that's exactly what Democrats did to start this year. On Wednesday, we passed the American Rescue Plan – a comprehensive, progressive COVID relief plan to help the people in our country who are struggling the most right now. And yesterday, President Biden signed this historic stimulus into reality.

Yes, we're helping families with direct cash payments, but that's just the beginning. I view this entire rescue plan as a comprehensive first step, one that must be followed-up with continued relief.

It's not only about keeping people afloat with direct aid, but ensuring state and local governments are able to perform the basic services that define our lives as Americans, including education, unemployment assistance, protection for renters, and so much more.

And that's why I'm pumped. Because, yes, this is just the beginning, but, after spending all of last year struggling against Donald Trump's disinterest over hundreds of thousands of us dying, and Republican scorn towards the impoverished, here we are — with a massive victory for the rest of us.

I voted yes on this, because to wait any longer would be a disaster. And, with no Republicans joining us in spite of all of their talk, it's clear that our future has to be won through grassroots organizing and hard work. Because we can't count on anyone else to do this good work for us.


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