
You might have seen the Twitter live I did with Rebecca Parson, a queer democratic socialist running for Congress in Washington’s 6th Congressional District. 

Rebecca is running because in her safely Democratic, working-class district, people are suffering. In one town, Aberdeen, 1 in 16 people are homeless and 28% of people are on food stamps. Across the district, people are dying because they don’t have healthcare. 

Meanwhile Rebecca’s opponent, Derek Kilmer, rakes in millions from the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, Wall Street, and insurance companies. He took $10K from Raytheon one year and the next year cosponsored a bill authorizing $286 million for the development of a new Israeli missile defense program under Raytheon.

Rebecca grew up overseas while her father was in the foreign service, and coming back to America, she saw the stark contrast between our ideals and our reality. This shaped her desire to fight for a more just nation. One that doesn’t tell poor people that the only way to get healthcare, an education, and a decent life is to be cannon fodder for the war machine. One that provides healthcare, food, housing, education, and a job to all.

Rebecca is the only candidate in her race fighting for:

  • National rent control

  • 12 million new units of social housing in the next 10 years

  • A foreign policy of peace and human rights

  • The Green New Deal with a federal jobs guarantee

  • Medicare for All

  • $15+ federal minimum wage floor (more in high-cost areas)

  • Canceling student debt

  • Starting salary of $60K for all public school teachers

  • Abolishing private prisons

  • Just cause for eviction

Our country needs these policies, but as the 9th most conservative Democrat in the House, Corporate Kilmer is never going to fight for them. That’s why we need Rebecca in Congress to replace him.

Just like our campaign, Rebecca is funded entirely by grassroots donors. This Monday, September 30th, is her first ever FEC filing deadline, but she hasn’t met her fundraising goal yet. Unlike her opponent, Rebecca doesn’t beg corporate PACs or lobbyists for money, so I’m asking you:

Can you chip in any amount you can today to help Rebecca meet her FEC deadline?  

You’ll be joining hundreds of progressives across the country who have already donated to Rebecca. With your help, Rebecca will be able to build a robust ground-game in her district and send an unmistakable message to her corrupt opponent: your days are numbered, and we progressives are fired up and coming to replace you.

Derek Kilmer is the powerful chair of the centrist New Democrats Coalition in Congress and also belongs to the Problem Solvers Caucus, which is funded by Republican billionaires and dark money and pushes for conservative policies. He is actively angling to be the leader of the corporate Democrats — and Speaker of the House someday.

Let’s kick him out and replace him with a working-class democratic soclialist to fight for peace, M4A, and the GND. 

Thanks for all you do.



P.S. Rebecca was just endorsed by Our Revolution Washington and the People’s Policy Project! Just one more shot across the bow to Kilmer and the rest of the establishment that this is a serious campaign and Rebecca is going to win. Give them more proof here:


Paid for by the Committee for Peace, Justice, and Mike Gravel, a grassroots committee centered on Senator Mike Gravel.

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