The now sedition-led coalition formerly known as the Republican Party is currently divided over the future of their party and who will lead it, leaving them more vulnerable than ever before. We must take advantage of this lapse in strength to win in 2021 and 2022.



As we speak, there are multiple reports from CNN, The New York Times, and other media outlets detailing the growing divide within the group formerly known as the Republican Party. Just this week, Donald Trump attacked Mitch McConnell, elected Republicans of all levels are fighting to gain favor or fighting to curtail the seditionists in their midst, and high level conservatives are contemplating starting a new, center-right Republican Party.

Team, our opposition is at a HISTORIC weak point. We can't allow them to regroup without taking advantage in 2022. Already, civil rights and elections attorneys are fighting to protect our voting rights form voter suppression laws introduced by the Seditionist Party in order to cheat their way to victory next year.

We have to raise as much funding as possible so that once we defeat them in the courts, they will have no respite as we defeat them in the field and at the polls in Georgia and nationwide. If we beat the Seditionists in 2022, it is extremely likely that their party falls apart. And for us, this dismantling begins in Georgia with the Seditious Six.



The Seditious Six and their brood are the most urgent threat not only to Georgians but to our democracy. If we don't defeat them next election cycle while defending our other gains in the state, our hopes of keeping Georgia blue for decades to come will already be in jeopardy. Can you help us get to $2 million in cash-on-hand before the end of the year? Rush a one-time donation TODAY of $20 or make it recurring to ensure that we are ready to push back the seditionists among us in 2022.


If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


We need to be in the mindset that "election season" is 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is the only way we win in 2022 and keep Georgia blue for years to come. We look forward to continuing the work of winning, with you by our side supporting us every step of the way.

The Georgia Blue Project



Paid for by GBP,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Georgia Blue PRoject
PO Box 60558
Philadelphia, PA 19145
United States