We have a lot to celebrate this year. We've taken back the White House and flipped the Senate. That's a huge step forward, but the most important work is still in front of us.

Now's the time to pass meaningful progressive legislation to improve the lives of the American people. Sign the petition to tell Congress and the White House to pass our progressive agenda.

This is our chance to bring substantive relief to families who have been hit hard by the pandemic. We can rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, create clean energy jobs, make headway in the battle against climate change, expand voting rights, and finally put the needs of working families first.

We can't wait any longer. Now is the time to implement bold reform. Add your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of the 2021 progressive legislative agenda and demand that Congress and Biden immediately address the urgent needs of the people.

We took on the Trump administration, the most dangerous administration we have ever seen. We won. Now's the time to deliver on our promises.


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