After a long, turbulent year, our country can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccination rates are on the rise, and COVID-19 rates are on the decline.

But the economic effects of this pandemic – widespread unemployment, crippling debt, devastated local economies, painful disruption to food and transportation supply lines – will last long after the virus is contained.

Unless we act boldly, and act now.

We've learned this lesson already: it's far, far better to go big in response to a recession than go too small. That's why I'm fighting for a bold, comprehensive relief package, including increased direct payments and a minimum unemployment boost of $400 weekly to keep working families afloat and sustain local economies.

But the same Congressional Republicans who just a couple of years ago showered trillions of dollars on the ultra-wealthy are now fighting twice as hard to keep unemployed workers from getting the support they need.

Thankfully, we've got a White House and Congress ready to prioritize working families, not millionaires and corporations. As with the virus, we've got a lot of work ahead of us, and the relief package is just one step. I won't stop fighting until our country has recovered from the devastating blow of this pandemic, and every American has the opportunity for success they deserve.


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