John -

The petitioning process is wrapping up, but we still have lots of work to do. Now we need to focus on connecting with voters across the district to inform them about our campaign and the Special Election on March 23rd. 

In order to share our message and platform with the community, I'm going to need your help. Can you come to our Digital Huddle on Wednesday to learn what's next for our campaign and how you can get involved?

This Wednesday, January 20, join our Volunteer Huddle from 7-7:45 PM, and learn how to get involved in this movement! We need to mobilize our neighbors block by block. Tune in to learn how you can help - knock doors, make calls, and help us head to victory!

Sign up to join us! We'll follow up with a link the morning of our huddle.

In Solidarity,

Elisa Crespo
Candidate for City Council, District 15
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