
The way I see it, Kentucky's upcoming attorney general election is between two choices:

  • I'm a responsible public servant who will put the people of Kentucky first every time and who won't hesitate to take on the toughest fights.
  • Mitch McConnell's personal lawyer, who lobbies for big drug companies.

Just a bit of a difference, huh?

Mitch McConnell, whose obstruction and inaction has sent the U.S. Senate spiraling into chaos, wants his hand-picked, personal lawyer to be our attorney general?

A man who has never tried a case in court? Whose legal experience boils down to serving as Mitch McConnell's lawyer and lobbying for Purdue Pharma, a major force behind our nation's opioid crisis?

No thanks, Mitch. The people of Kentucky know better.

My story is a little different, John. And it's why I'm running.

I was the first attorney general in the nation to sue Purdue Pharma, because it was the right thing to do. Just as important is that, in troubled times, Kentuckians need an experienced steady hand in the office of the attorney general.

I want Kentucky and our country to be there for my children and grandchildren like it has been there for me. And that isn't possible from the sidelines. That's why I'm running, and why I'm counting on your support.

We have 41 days until this critical election. Let's make every one of them count.


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