There's a lot of uncertainty, but here are three things I can tell you.
There's a lot of uncertainty, but here are three things I can tell you.

We drive policy change to improve the lives of Texas children today 
for a stronger Texas tomorrow.
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Dear John,
As the Texas legislative session starts today in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone from legislators to reporters to advocates is uncertain of what to expect between now and the last day of the session on May 31st.
But there are three things I can tell you:
1. At least for the first several weeks of the session, and likely longer, safety must be the priority. The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths is higher than ever. We must not let down our guard. Additionally, after the vile attack on the U.S. Capitol last week, we hope state leaders will keep the State Capitol, policymakers and their staff, and the public who enter it safe from harm.
2. The Legislature must make real progress this session for Texas kids and families. While public health precautions will place significant limitations on the Legislature, state leaders should leverage technology to keep the legislative process moving in a way that is safe, transparent, and participatory. Legislators must address the toll the pandemic is taking on Texas families and its future repercussions, as well as the significant needs that existed even before the pandemic hit. We just published an op-ed outlining some of the key policy priorities for this session and emphasizing that Texas kids and families can’t wait any longer for legislators to take action. 
Read Our Op-ed
3. As advocates, we will also leverage this legislative session to lay the groundwork for the months and years ahead. As we do every session, we will fight hard to pass good legislation, shape the state budget, and raise concerns about worrisome proposals. But given the uncertainty about how many bills the Legislature will pass during this COVID-dominated session, we’ll also raise awareness of community needs, the impact of structural and institutional racism on kids and families, and policy solutions that state leaders will need to tackle in the months and years after the session.
As we head into the unknown this session, we are all deeply grateful for your partnership and look forward to working with you so all Texas kids have a brighter future.
Stephanie Rubin
P.S. If you want to help us fight for Texas children and families this session, you can make a donation here 
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