To change New York City, we need a leader who is clear on what they stand for, and doesn’t waver depending on the audience.
Dianne Morales for NYC Mayor


Last week, we were robbed. We were robbed because Wednesday was supposed to be a day where Black women committed to justice, relational organizing, and defeating the odds were given the space and time to not only be acknowledged, but to share their genius, strategy and a key ingredient to transformation: STAND.

To change New York City, we need a leader who is clear on what they stand for, and doesn’t waver depending on the audience.

And that’s why I’m all in for Dianne Morales.

If you are all-in too, chip in $27 RIGHT NOW to help us change City Hall.

Dianne STANDS for defunding a police system that does not protect and serve all and investing in the services that should have the resources to do just that.

Dianne STANDS for a multi-pronged housing plan which demands affordable housing for all, addressing the role developers play in exacerbating our housing crisis, and ensuring NYCHA residents live in dignity and are positioned as leaders in key decision-making spaces.

Dianne STANDS with those of us with intersectional experiences: women; people of color; LGBTQIA; immigrant; disabled; poor. Those called to save the City but not to lead the City.

And Dianne STANDS by her story, a born and raised Bed-Stuy girl, who taught at the same school she attended, to then rise to not only meet the gaps of the people as a non-profit leader, but as a co-founder of spaces that provided dignity and voice to those left behind by our systems.


We can’t afford to be robbed of leaders like Dianne. We have a few hours to make the radical choice to stand for a leader who has a proven record of standing for us, in front of and behind the scenes. We deserve that leader. I deserve that leader. My future children deserve that leader. And the one thing I learned from those brave organizers in Georgia is this: when you choose the future, you win.

We deserve that future. We deserve Dianne Morales as Mayor of NYC.


Team Dianne

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Paid for by Dianne Morales for NYC

PO Box 61
New York, NY 10101-0061

Dianne Morales for NYC
200 Jefferson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
United States

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