Dear Higb,

The images coming out of Capitol Hill are shocking. One day after Georgia voters once again repudiated Donald Trump and the Republican Party, a violent insurrectionist mob has descended upon Congress as it certifies the Electoral College count. This mob has been incited by the President of the United States, who bears ultimate responsibility for their actions.

We strongly condemn the lawless actions of these rioters. Congress must certify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 election before returning home. Anything less is capitulation. 

It is easy to lose hope and succumb to cynicism when confronted with these images. Is this what politics in the United States have become? Why do I want anything to do with this?

The truth is, your family, neighbors, friends, and country can't afford your despair. We need you to be strong in the face of this craven assault on American democracy.

But do not lose faith, as difficult as that is today. The future of public service does not have to be this way. Although we can't change the Republican Party, each of us leads by example through demonstrating that political activism is about justice, progress, and lifting people up.

Last night, in Georgia, Democratic voting rights advocates ensured that all voters waiting in line when polls closed were able to cast their ballots. They did this knowing that Republicans would be the overwhelming share of in-person votes, as they were in November. They did it because they truly care about democracy and the rights of all Americans.

If you want to know what distinguishes us as Democrats, it is this: We will never compromise our values as human beings committed to democracy, freedom, and social justice, and exchange them for raw power. We know that in order for change to be sustainable, we must bring communities - the people - together and not force our will upon them. 

No doubt our children will learn about the shameful events of January 6, 2021, but together we can make this a turning point for the country - the day we decided to recommit to a politics of fairness and compassion and reject hate, division, and conspiracies. 

As President-Elect Biden said, we are better than this. 
On January 19, we're co-sponsoring a mayoral candidate forum. We hope you will able to join this important conversation about the future of our city. 

Have questions for the candidates? Submit them using this form
On January 26 at 6:30 PM, BYD is hosting its first general body meeting of 2021! We will be hearing from candidates for Comptroller, Brooklyn Borough President, and the 37th Council District. Following the meeting, we will be voting on endorsements for those races as well as a runoff poll between Lincoln Restler and Elizabeth Adams, who we heard from last month.

All dues-paying members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Stay tuned to your inbox for the Zoom link! In the meantime, RSVP on Facebook!

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