Dear Friend,

Happy New Year to each of you. I hope you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Brooke and I have been staying home to stay safe and I am working on my remarks for the Board's convening meeting Monday at 6 pm. 

As I do, I wanted to take a moment to write this morning to ask that you join me in seeking to live up to our ideals by calling Georgia voters for an hour or two or more as many of the next four days as  possible to turn out the vote. 

I ask because what happens in Georgia on Tuesday is critical to Arlington. Without two wins on Tuesday, rent relief/eviction prevention, hunger relief, our schools and our environment, will not receive the investment and equitable policy Arlington, Virginia, and our country need from the Federal government.
Click Here & Go to Arl Dems Volunteer Page & Call to Win!
Please click on the above link and then scroll down the page to help with Arlington Blue Families at 1 pm today or scroll down further to get registered with Mobilize, help win this election, and make history. 
Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff 2 days ago in Augusta, Georgia.
Why should you call? What is at stake? Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are very slightly ahead in the polls, the stakes in these two Senate races are so very high for racial justice, economic opportunity for all, and action on climate change.

Why else should you call? Can we really win? few of us thought Joe Biden could win Georgia and early voting has been high in areas and amongst young voters and voters of color we need to turn out big to win. We can win this, but need to act to make history. 
Click Here and Scroll Down the Page to Call Georgia Voters
We need your help: will a postcard writer step up and do a few calls? One of Margot's friends to decide to join her in calling? A fellow Arlington Democrat to call for the first time in this runoff election?

This election is personal for me and winnable if we all help. In 2004, I worked for John Kerry in Iowa and we lost the state by 2,000 votes our of more than 1 million. Joe won Georgia by approximately 12K votes. The Post and NYT have reported that more than 2.5 million votes already and high turnout is approaching November election levels needed to win. 

Will you join me in giving an hour or two a day for the next few days?  

Let's not get caught wondering what might have been, 

P.S. If you have a question about this email or how to volunteer to call, email me at [email protected]. My Matt for Arlington email continues to be down. 
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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