Oh, what a year! Amidst all of the stress and loss, with your help, we got through it together. With your help, week by week, class by class, family by family, Graham has made sure that kids and famil

Dear Friends,

Oh, what a year! Amidst all of the stress and loss, with your help, we got through it together. With your help, week by week, class by class, family by family, Graham has made sure that kids and families have what they need during this time.

Join us in this vital work of keeping kids and families safely together and giving them the preparation and opportunities they need to thrive in school and in the world.

Your gift now, before the year ends, will help make sure that we are ready for 2021 and that our families have food on the table, our students have technology for remote learning, our college-age youth have coaching to help them achieve their goals, and our parents have the support and stability to care for their children even in the midst of a pandemic. You will also help us ensure that our kids and families emerge from this time with the social, academic, and career opportunities they deserve. 2021 is their time to thrive!

Thank you for coming together this year to help our kids and families. I look forward to all we can accomplish together in the New Year.

Give Now

With gratitude and hopefulness,

Jess Dannhauser
President & CEO

P.S. If you have already made a year-end gift to Graham please accept our appreciation for your generosity

"Can I show you what I'm proudest of? I established the first private orphanage in New York City."
Eliza Hamilton
Founder of Graham Windham, from the musical "Hamilton"