New polling shows both Democratic candidates in Georgia leading by ONE point. We must maintain that lead until January 5 to get the change we demand.


New polling has just arrived here in Georgia, and the data looks VERY promising. Right now, Dems are up by ONE point in both U.S. Senate runoff elections.

Friend, this is a direct result of the tireless efforts of grassroots organizations like Georgia Blue Project all across the state working 24/7 to make sure that Democrats finish the job and send unelected Senator Kelly Loeffler and crooked Senator David Perdue packing in January.

But if we have learned one thing from this election cycle, it's that when polls show things aren't going their way, Re-Trump-licans will try to bury the problem with money from corporate PACs. Already, Mitch McConnell is sending $91 million to Georgia to attack both Democratic candidates.

So far, over 1 million Georgians have voted in the runoff elections. Historically, our state sees a 60% drop in turnout for runoffs — this year we are only 8% behind the pace of voting in the general election.

The numbers are in our favor and our strategy is paying dividends. We cannot waste this moment. Right now, the Georgia Blue Project is running digital ads focused on further assisting this historic surge in early voting, specifically targeting Black male voters and youth voters in rural areas of Georgia.

We need your help to get the funds necessary to push our limits and expand the audience to as many voters as possible. Friend, can you spare $20 or whatever you can give TODAY to help us reach these key demographics before it's too late?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:



Our chances of clearing a path for the Biden administration to create the bold change we need are getting better and better with each passing day. We must continue doing everything we can to make the future we envision a reality. We cannot let up now. Thank you for your support.

— Georgia Blue Project


Paid for by GBP,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Georgia Blue PRoject
PO Box 60558
Philadelphia, PA 19145
United States