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Dear friends,

Together, we’ve been able to blunt the most extreme elements of the disastrous MBTA service cuts that had been planned for next year.

Thank you to everyone who took action with the Public Transit Public Good Coalition (PTPG). In response to our fierce opposition campaign, members of the agency’s Fiscal and Management Control Board reversed course on some of the previously proposed cuts. The revised plan would continue running bus and subway service past midnight until 1 a.m., maintain partial ferry and weekend commuter rail service, and trolleys on the Green Line’s E branch will keep going all the way to Heath Street. Fewer bus routes would be suspended and Blue Line service wouldn’t be reduced as much as other rapid transit lines. The MBTA Board will decide whether to keep these changes as part of its FY2022 budget process. While this is nowhere near as disruptive as MBTA management’s original proposal, CLU and our allies in PTPG will continue to fight against reductions in service and jobs that negatively impact workers and their families, and for investment in the public transportation system, we need and deserve. 

As we close out 2020, we acknowledge the hardships experienced by many as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and where possible, celebrate moments of hope, progress, and giving back. It is also the time to offer assistance to those who need it the most, especially this year, as our communities grapple with the impact of the deadly virus. 

Our work brings together different unions and community organizations throughout the state to champion policies that benefit our communities and working families. This work is more important now than ever. We ask you to consider donating to support our work. No donation is too small. 

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Please help us spread the word by sharing our Facebook posts as well as following and retweeting us on Twitter. You can also receive regular updates from CLU by signing up on our website.
Congratulations to Gladys Vega for being recognized as the Bostonian of the Year by The Boston Globe. Gladys' work this year has been instrumental in helping Chelsea residents deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Executive Director of La Colaborativa, Gladys has led the organization's effort in creating a food pantry for the residents, fighting the eviction crisis in the city, and helping families in need. We salute her and her organization's efforts and are proud to have them as long-standing partners of Community Labor United.  

NEU4J: Fresh Truck Wellness

Join NEU4J and community partners this Saturday, December 19, as we volunteer to bring healthy food to communities that need it most during this COVID-19 crisis. Let’s combine our organizing efforts to empower low-income families and communities of color across Boston. To find out more, visit

December 19, 2020
10 a.m. - Noon
1565 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, MA 02122

4 Myths about COVID-19 and Schools

As Boston Public Schools continue to push forward with reopening school buildings without a signed MOA with the Boston Teachers Union ensuring COVID-19 protections, there is a lot of misleading and confusing information being shared. 

Watch the video now created by MassCOSH for parents to help them understand what health and safety protections are needed to keep students and educators safe.   

Spanish version available here.

Support Seniors: Close the SNAP Gap and Expand MSP!

Massachusetts tops the nation for elder economic insecurity. Right now, hundreds of thousands of low-income individuals across Massachusetts may be going hungry tonight because they don’t know they are eligible for SNAP. The SNAP Gap is the difference between the number of low-income Massachusetts residents receiving MassHealth who are likely SNAP-eligible and the number of people receiving SNAP. 

Join the Mass Senior Action Council by reaching out to your local State representatives to support Rep Ultrino’s amendment to expand the MSP to those at 200% of the federal poverty line. Sign the petition here

Stop Evictions: Contact Your Legislators!

We are very close to getting some important protections against eviction in the Massachusetts state budget, and we need your help to push this over the finish line. 

The State Legislature included measures in their budget proposal that would help protect some tenants from eviction during the pandemic. Governor Baker sent those measures back to the legislature with harmful changes that would greatly weaken their impact.

The legislature will decide over the next few days whether to accept the Governor's changes or stick to their original, stronger protections. We're asking our allies to contact their State Rep. and State Senator immediately by phone and by email to demand they keep the stronger protections.

Thank you for reading and taking action!

In Solidarity,
Community Labor United

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Boston, MA 02108

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