December 16th, 2020

Dear John,

Throughout this unprecedented year, MassKids has worked to provide parents and caregivers the resources they need to help keep children safe. We have continued to provide our child sexual abuse prevention education to school and youth organization staff through virtual and online trainings.

For highlights of our recent efforts, click here to read our MassKids Chronicle E-newsletter, "MassKids Undeterred by Pandemic".

Our work is crucial. Please make a personally significant gift this Holiday Season. Your donation will ensure that our prevention education and policy advocacy reaches more families, schools, youth organizations, and communities to prevent sexual abuse from ever occurring

You can help us ensure that each child is cherished.

Thank you for all your efforts to keep children safe!


Jetta Bernier

Executive Director


P.S. You can take specific, targeted actions today to prevent child sexual abuse by taking the pledge at

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