We have the most donors and the lowest average gift, but we are still behind our opponents.
Dianne Morales for NYC Mayor


Our campaign is built by the people, for the people. In the midst of a pandemic our city has stood up for what we believe in. You voted. You marched. You did not step fighting. You give life to this campaign and this movement, and for that we are so incredibly grateful. 

Donate today to have your gift matched 800%!

Though we couldn’t be together with you, we launched this race last month. Our team was amazed by the number of people that stepped up. Essential workers, teachers, union members, caregivers, neighbors, and friends have chipped in. It’s humbling to know how important this campaign is to all of you. Over 4000 donations with an average gift under $60. No other campaign for City Hall can say the same.

We have the most donors and the lowest average gift, but we are still behind our opponents. They have millions of dollars from fundraisers where they ask the Elite for thousands of dollars at a time, filled with special interests and wall street bankers. We need 3,000 more donors to contribute $55 in order to catch up. This will help us reach $2,000,000 thanks to the public matching system. A matching system that emphasizes the everyday person participating. 

100% of your contribution goes to this people powered campaign, can you chip in $52?

To receive the match we must raise $250,000 in grassroots donations from New Yorkers. We need this to petition, to get on the ballot, and to transform a government that currently does not represent you. Every day our team puts in 110% into this campaign, and we hope you can chip in what you can to build a city that works for all of us.

In Solidarity,
Team Dianne

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Paid for by Dianne Morales for NYC

PO Box 61
New York, NY 10101-0061

Dianne Morales for NYC
200 Jefferson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
United States

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