The Senate runoffs here in Georgia are proving to be grueling battles, but we must do everything we can to hold the line. The Democrats’ goal is clear: they want to undo all the conservative successes we’ve had in the last few years and enact their Socialist agenda. Only with your help can we ensure that doesn’t happen!

There are two things I need for you to do.
First, make a voting plan; early voting for the Runoff Election starts TODAY. Make arrangements to vote on Election Day or vote early. If you can, bring a friend or family member.
Second, Senators Perdue and Loeffler need your support now to continue fighting the liberal attacks being hurled at them from their Socialist opponents who are being bankrolled by outsiders like Hollywood and limousine liberals. Click here to rush $25, $50 or more to help them hold the line!

We cannot do this alone- we need you. America needs you. Click here to chip in any amount and help keep Georgia red!
God bless,

If you would like to donate, please visit our website here. If you instead prefer to donate by mail, please click here.

Rick W. Allen for Congress, P.O. Box 338, Augusta, GA 30903

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