Dear friend, 

While we continue to receive promising, hopeful news about Coronavirus vaccines, the pandemic is raging on. Yesterday, the total number of positive cases nationwide surpassed 15 million, and LA County reported a tragic milestone of 8,000 total deaths due to COVID-19. These aren't just figures; they are our loved ones, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. As we mourn their losses, we must all continue safe practices, like mask wearing, social distancing, and staying home as much as possible, so we can save lives and move beyond this pandemic in 2021.

The table below shows the latest community spread in our area. I hope you find it informative and helpful. Stay safe and God bless.

32nd Congressional District Community Spread
As of 12/7/20 at 8pm PT

Source: County of Los Angeles Public Health


*Case and death numbers include cases associated with Correctional Facility Outbreaks 
located in the City/Community. Due to reporting delays numbers may not align with outbreak investigation counts presented for Correctional Facilities on the list of Los Angeles Residential Congregate Settings with One or More Positive COVID-19 Cases.

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Grace F. Napolitano
Member of Congress

Sent by the Office of Congresswoman Napolitano.

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