Greetings friends,

In this year of unexpected trials and tragedies, it is sometimes hard to find triumph.

Turbulent though it has been, as we move into the holiday season and towards a new year, I have so many reasons to be thankful.

Like so many of us this year, I have experienced tremendous loss and found myself at certain moments in danger of losing my way.

Then I hear my mother’s voice: “Help as many people as you can for as long as you can and stop worrying about the rest.”

I am incredibly fortunate to be in a place in my life that allows me to help others. Community Action is about providing a hand up to all those seeking to reach higher, but have grown weary and need a little help. As we continue to remind each other, we are all in this together.

Sometimes the days are long and the work is hard, but I could not imagine my life any other way. I am surrounded by people at Community Action with similar hearts and minds. No matter how tired, how weary, we always find the strength to reach out and uplift others. Moreover, we are fortunate to be surrounded by a community that lifts us up and provides a platform for us to do our work.

In those moments, when I struggle to find my way, I remember the strength that my mother passed on to me, and I am thankful.
I remember the incredible people that work alongside me each day, and I am thankful.
I remember the people who trust us enough to allow us into their lives, and I am thankful.
I remember the people who support our work and make all of our triumphs possible, and I am thankful.
I remember the true meaning of the word “humanity” and I am thankful.

Stay safe and be well,

J. Marcellus Perry
Executive Director