Dear John,

Today is a special day that holds a sacred place in the spirit of our nation -- a day for all of us to come together and honor the many brave Americans who have served this country all around the world.

Throughout American history, our veterans have made countless sacrifices in order to protect our values and the very freedoms we hold dear. On behalf of all Oregonians, I thank every American who has worn the uniform -- as well as their families -- for their lifetimes of courage and service to our nation.

These Americans deserve more than just our recognition and appreciation. They deserve every essential support when they come home, from affordable housing and reliable employment opportunities, to quality health care and mental health services. I am fully committed to continuing the fight for that kind of critical support for our veterans through my work in the U.S. Senate.

Now more than ever, as our nation sets out to heal deep wounds and divisions, we must remember the powerful example our veterans and their families have set for all of us. My hope is that we may all reflect upon the meaning of their service today, and that this reflection will inspire our nation to dedicate itself to unity -- to a community that is bigger than any one of us, and is guided by liberty and justice for all.

All my best,

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