Dear Higb,

Last night, months of hard work came together as President-Elect Joe Biden and VP-Elect Kamala Harris addressed the nation. We know that one election does not change everything, but ousting Donald Trump from the White House has lifted a heavy weight off our backs. You - and activists around the country - have so much to be proud of.

We extend our congratulations to the President-Elect, who secured the most votes of any presidential candidate in American history, and the VP-Elect, who in January will become the first woman and woman of color to assume the office.

Yesterday's victory was not merely an election win. You restored hope in a forward-looking vision of America that appeared so out of reach the last four years. As VP-Elect Harris said, “While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.”

After our well-deserved celebrations, the work continues. Not only are there are two important US Senate runoffs in Georgia, which will decide control of the chamber, but some races are still undecided as a record number of mail-in ballots begin getting counted.

In New York, several State Senate races are still too close to call, including right here in Brooklyn. State Senator Andrew Gounardes, who BYD endorsed for reelection earlier this year, is in a close race with a Trump Republican that will be decided on absentee votes.

We believe there are enough absentee ballots for Senator Gounardes to prevail, but we need your help. The campaign is committed to making sure every vote is counted and is hosting a Zoom call tonight to prepare supporters for the next few weeks ahead.

Can you join? The meeting starts at 7:00 PM EST. Click here to join on Zoom. If asked for a password, it is 491382.

You will be hearing more from us soon as more results and opportunities to protect the vote come in. Thank you so much for all the work you did - and will do - this election cycle. 
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