Emerging out of one of the most divisive political climates in recent history, the historic victory of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris reflects the American people's strength, diversity, and optimism in the face of adversity. The American people have chosen science, held onto faith in our democracy, and come together despite all of the challenges that this year has brought.

Nearly four years ago, in February 2017, more than 4,500 of us gathered together to figure out how we were going to reclaim our country, put American values first, and get the country back on track. For a large number of folks, it was the first time they attended a political event, but we felt the need to channel our fears, anger, anxiety to a higher and better purpose. In an earth shattering instant we had learned the lesson that democracy needed an active and engaged citizenry. We committed that day to make change--organize, join groups, speak out, as my friend John Lewis would say, make good trouble.

We stood watch over the country, fought for our shared values, we activated, we marched, we organized and we voted. And in 2018 our hard work paid off. We elected the most diverse class of members of the House of Representatives in History, a Democratic House with Nancy Pelosi at the helm to act as a check on this unlawful president.

But our greatest test was yet to come in the onslaught of biblical challenges in 2020. Impeachment, global pandemic, racial reckoning, catastrophic wildfires and authoritarian threats to our elections system by our own President. We rose to the occasion once again and delivered a resounding mandate for change.

We've only just begun. We have a lot of work to do to heal the divides in America and put the country back on track.

Now is the time to put politics aside and get to work in a bipartisan way to recover, rebuild, and deliver for the American people. We have a responsibility to provide COVID relief, ensure affordable health care, restart our economy, mend our democracy, and heal our nation.

With the Biden Administration comes an opportunity to work together on enacting my transformative infrastructure package, the Moving Forward Act, to revitalize our economy, addess climate change, and create millions of good-paying jobs while rebuilding our communities with infrastructure and innovation that is smarter, safer, and made to last. While there is a great deal of work ahead, I stand ready to work with the Biden Administration and across the aisle to move our nation forward, together.


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