
I qualified as a firearms expert in the Navy. As an Admiral, I went with crews as they boarded ships with assault weapons looking for contraband. And I have such respect for those who hunt or have weapons at home for self-protection. But assault weapons are not what we want on our streets. I know what weapons of war are, and I know that they do not belong in American communities. The horrifying mass shootings of recent years should be all the proof our lawmakers need to finally take action. 

Too many families have lost loved ones. Too many children are scared. Too many Americans die every year because we are not able, as a country, to pass sensible gun safety and gun control laws that would take weapons of war out of people's hands and prevent dangerous or unstable individuals from obtaining firearms. I was inspired by Stephanie Phillips's "Final Kiss Goodbye" (listen here): as a parent, I cannot stand idly by. I've shared a few thoughts here.


I would close the “gun show loophole” (which allows people to avoid background checks by buying guns at gun shows and conventions or from other “private sellers”), close the “gun kit” or “ghost gun” loophole (which allows people to buy portions of guns that are easy to assemble into functioning firearms), and create a more effective national background check system, including by enabling states to add felons, domestic abusers, and other violent criminals to the background check database.  I also believe we must once again ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines

But we must also address the gun issue from a public health standpoint. We need to repeal the Dickey Amendment, a law preventing the Centers for Disease Control from making recommendations on how to deal with the public health threat of guns. And the changes I propose to our healthcare system described in the Healthcare portion of my “Plan for America” would dramatically improve access to mental health services for all Americans, which itself should help to reduce gun deaths.


As a former Navy Admiral who represented a 2-to-1 Republican district in the U.S. House of Representatives despite an "F" from the NRA, I know I am uniquely qualified to bring this country together to unite around a sensible path to responsible gun control. If you agree, please contribute.


Joe Sestak


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  Paid for by Joe Sestak for President.

Joe Sestak
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States