The money we raise today will determine how many voters our team can reach during these critical last few days.

Julie Oliver for Congress


We launched this campaign 539 days ago. Now, we have just 3 days to make it all count.

So whatever reason brought you to Team Julie — whether it's getting big money out of politics, passing Medicare for All, fighting for a Green New Deal, or simply wanting to elect a member of Congress who is ready to represent all of us instead of just a wealthy few — Tuesday is OUR moment to elect Julie and flip this seat.

Will you rush a donation to this campaign to help us hit our final end-of-month fundraising goal of $500,000 at midnight so we can keep our GOTV program running strong? We're 98% of the way there, so your gift could help put us over the top.

The money we raise today will determine how many voters our team can reach during these critical last few days.

Progress thermometer showing 98% to our end-of-month goal!

donate Now

More people have already voted in Texas than in the 2016 election. Without a dime of PAC money, our movement has helped drive this unprecedented surge in key precincts we know can make the difference for Julie and Democrats up and down the ticket.

Our volunteers are working around the clock to remind voters about the clear choice in this election and why their voice matters in our democracy. But if we fall short of tonight's goal, we'll have to make tough budget cuts heading into the final hours of this campaign — that just can't happen.

This is one of your final opportunities to have an impact on the outcome of this race. Help us make history on Tuesday by rushing a donation toward our end-of-month goal of $500,000 right now.

Thanks for helping us WIN,

Sidney Hollingsworth
Finance Director
Julie Oliver for Congress