103 more volunteers need to commit to making calls to voters or a safe, no-contact lit drop in the district. Can you be one of them?

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, we don't have a lot of time.

Early voting has officially ended across Texas, which means we have only three days left to reach every voter across the district who hasn’t cast a ballot yet before Election Day.

If we can't fill at least 103 more volunteer shifts to reach these voters, we risk falling short of our ambitious voter contact goals. Can you sign up for a GOTV shift (or two) this weekend?

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Contact-less, No Knock Lit Drops
All over TX-25

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If you live in or near TX-25, we especially need your help with contactless lit drops we're running in every corner of the district. To keep everyone safe, we're simply dropping off literature about Julie at voters' doors to ensure they get some kind of touch from our campaign in these final days of the campaign. 

If you don't live in TX-25, or prefer to stay at home at this time, we absolutely need your help with making phone calls to voters! In this time of social distancing, phone banks enable us to continue having one-on-one conversations with voters. 

Thanks for all that you're doing to help us. This election is going to come down to every last vote and whatever you can pitch in now will make a difference.

We're in the margin of hustle. Let's flip TX-25 blue,

Team Julie

P.S. We know life is busy for many of you. If you can't commit to a shift this weekend, please chip in $5 or more toward our $500,000 end-of-month goal at midnight tonight to help cover the cost of our GOTV program.